Tracking MSU Consumption to Optimize Your TFP Contract

It seems that most mainframe sites have already been approached by IBM with a Tailored Fit Pricing proposal. The most common and most popular option, Software Consumption (previously Enterprise Consumption), is a fundamentally different pricing model to the traditional Rolling 4-Hour Average-based model. However, your company’s need to control its budgets have not changed.

In this reprint of an article from Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2020 No. 3, Todd Havekost proposes ways to track your MSU consumption, and how to identify and investigate situations where your actual consumption is out of line with the expected consumption.

This is a must-read article for anyone that works in a site that is planning to move to, or has already moved to, using Tailored Fit Pricing Software Consumption pricing.

We can’t stress highly enough the importance of reviewing this information at the start of your TFP contract, and not at the end of your first year.

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This document is reprinted with permission from Watson and Walker. It originally appeared in Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter 2020 No. 3.

IntelliMagic highly recommends subscribing to the quarterly Watson Walker Tuning Letter for the best z/OS technical articles in the industry.


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