Escaping Data Silos Within SMF Data Types

Mainframe performance analysts rely heavily on the great insights provided by SMF measurement data into each component of the z/OS ecosystem. While there is extensive interaction and interdependence across many of the z/OS components, analysis of various SMF data types often relies on tooling that is unique to each data type.

Unfortunately, this has formed a barrier to collaborating on performance analysis across disciplines.

This article will show examples of how performance analysts can become more effective through having visibility into multiple types of SMF data.

Examples cited in this article are based on SMF data from:

  • WLM and CICS
  • Address Space and Db2 Accounting
  • CICS and Db2
  • MQ and CICS

Hopefully these scenarios will stimulate your thinking to identify many other situations where analysis performed by your teams can benefit from collaboration and using SMF data across disciplines.

No matter which subsystem you are primarily responsible for, we hope this article will help you blur the boundaries between the SMF ‘silos’ for each product.


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