z/OS Mainframe Systems Monitoring

Modernize your approach to mainframe performance management by moving away from static reports towards interactive, ITOA context-driven analytics.

Identify cost savings and upcoming availability risks, and train the next generation of z/OS performance analysts.

IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS Systems automatically analyzes, correlates, and rates thousands of metrics in your environment to deliver interactive, GUI-based reports that proactively identify areas for upcoming risks to your z Systems mainframe health and performance.

The Problem

If you’re a z/OS mainframe performance analyst, that means you’re dealing with an increasingly complex environment while other deep platform experts are quickly retiring.

You don’t have time to spend weeks or months coding SAS and MXG or Splunk, or eyeballing static reports to interpret them.

You need to predictive intelligence from RMF and SMF now!

The Good News

IT Operations Analytics applied to mainframe performance analysis augments the human analysts with a new type of force-multiplier.

This happens by continually and automatically assessing and rating the most important infrastructure metrics using white box analytics that understand Redbook level best practice knowledge.

At IntelliMagic, we call the result, “Availability Intelligence.

Availability Intelligence

Availability Intelligence provides immediate value out of the box and is helping some of the largest companies in the world efficiently deliver world class availability.

By utilizing early warnings about risks that could develop into serious availability issues, your time can be spent on strategic infrastructure management instead of on fighting fires.

Get Started Today

Related Resources


What's New with IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS? 2024.1

January 29, 2024 | This month we've introduced updates to the Subsystem Topology Viewer, new Long-term MSU/MIPS Reporting, updates to ZPARM settings and Average Line Configurations, as well as updates to TCP/IP Communications reports.

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Customer Experience

Banco do Brasil Ensures Availability for Billions of Daily Transactions with IntelliMagic Vision

Discover how Banco do Brasil enhanced its performance and capacity management with IntelliMagic Vision, proactively avoiding disruptions and improving cross-team collaboration.

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Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter

Making Sense of the Many I/O Count Fields in SMF | Cheryl Watson's Tuning Letter

In this reprint from Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter, Todd Havekost addresses a question about the different fields in SMF records having different values.

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