Stuart Plotkin was an IT performance consultant with IntelliMagic from 2013 to 2016. Stuart supported EMC (VMAX & VNX) and IBM (SVC/V7000 & DS8000) enterprise storage.
His 25 years of award-winning performance engineering experience focused on storage, server, database and applications areas. Through an emphasis on proactive performance methodologies and customer service, he enabled his clients to achieve top stability and reliability levels.
Resources created by Stuart Plotkin
This is alarming
To avoid getting overloaded with meaningless alarms, it is important to implement best practices, the first being a software solution that is intelligent.
How are my Disk Storage Systems doin’?
Disk storage systems provide hundreds of performance-related metrics but in order to identify which of the metrics are key, one first needs to know what exactly the metric represents.
Enterprise Level Storage Systems Best Practices
As storage environments continue to grow and become more complex, maintaining stable, high-performing systems is a business imperative, and IntelliMagic's software solutions can help.