Gain deeper visibility into Db2 performance


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The Db2 SMF data is a rich and voluminous source of metrics about the operation of Db2. But the size and complexity mean it is also difficult to know when the metrics start to get into conditions that represent problems, risk and best-practice violations.

Fortunately, new algorithms are now available to continuously assess and rate the most important issues against Db2 expert knowledge to augment the human teams. This enables predictive and prescriptive analysis of the data, as well as intelligent navigation through the data with flexible views to significantly decrease the amount of time needed to zero in on the desired subset of the data to be analyzed.

This webinar will cover the design for this new type of approach to data analysis as well as a demonstration of:

  • Automated Db2 health assessment and identification of the most important issues
  • Intuitive navigation through the Db2 metrics for understanding issues
  • Flexible ways to analyze and view current and historical data for trends and anomalies

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